remembrance day
the journal of Michael Werneburg
twenty-seven years and one million words
I managed to remember a moment of silence, today, but that was as far as any observance went; I wish this was a national holiday.
I read "In Flanders Fields" to my wife, who by happy chance attended a ceremony here in the Beaches, and tried to explain something of Canada's "birth" during World War One.
On the way home, I dropped off some film for development and picked up a roll that had been sitting at the camera shop for over a month (they'd asked for lots of time due to the introduction of a new machine). I inadvisedly wandered away from the safety of the film counter to where the actual cameras are on display, and to my amazement under the glass I found the Fuji X10 that's caught my eye of late.
It was even better than I'd imagined. I'd never have guessed I'd become interested in a camera with such a small sensor, but it looks like a real gem—a replacement, at long last, for my rangefinder.