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the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 2011.05.10

I started the day with one or two things on my mind.

Firstly, I've now been stood up three times by the electrician who'se supposed to be working on our apartment. The last time, I even stayed home from work to meet him because upon discussion Mari and I had decided we didn't like the idea of the dude having a key to our place on a permanent basis and then failing to work to a schedule.

Then, there was the issue of the month-plus of waiting for word on Mari's PR application. After sending the thing away, we'd had exactly zero feedback. I called them yesterday to ask about our application, and the call centre staff told me that the application hadn't even been taken from its envelope! That's since April 7....

And thirdly, there was a situation at work in which a last-minute replacement had been handed to us as new guidance for a project I've been working on steadily since late January.

By 15:30 today, all three matters were resolved. Our landlady called to say that she too had been having trouble with the electrician and would now be going to someone new.

Then I got an email from the government; I've been approved as a sponsor and the application is on its way to Japan. This is a big relief.

And thirdly, I managed to get a concession from the party responsible for the last minute change in direction on the big project. Everything was going to proceed according to the old plan. Whew.

Three good things that happened today:

1. Home

2. PR application

3. Work

rand()m quote

... I'll let you in on a secret. Big people are exactly the same as little people. They're selfish, squabbling children whose motivations are jealousy and greed. No one becomes big when the hit adulthood. They just become better at hiding how small they are.

Jonathan Rosenberg