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the X-700 is dead

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 2011.05.09

I got my test roll of film back this afternoon. The third trip to the camera shop did nothing. My beloved 15-year-old X-700 is unusable.

I'll put it on the "display" shelf for dead cameras next to the SRT-101. Goodbye, and thank you for your years of service.

On a brighter note, my 20mm manual focus lens is in order again; very happy with some of the pics I've taken with it!

rand()m quote

Work is about a daily search for meaning as well as daily bread; for recognition as well as cash; for astonishment rather than torpor; in short for a sort of life, rather than a monday-to-friday sort of dying.

— Studs Terkel