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inflation, debt, and general madness

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Tokyo, 2010.06.26

This morning during a conversation with my mother I explained my upcoming quest for investors in our business. It led to some surprises.

I happened to mention our projected "average purchase" for our first year: some ¥170,000. That comes out to about $CA2,000. She remarked that the wedding rings she bought in 1970 cost $15 each.

$30 for two solid gold wedding bands. Knowing what a gold band costs today, I can assure you that gold has appreciated in a value. Just a bit, mind. To the tune of about 60x. Which means that compared to gold, today's money is worth about 1/60th of what it was forty years ago.

Which is damn depressing. But for kicks I started looking into the health of the global economy and since of course all roads lead to Rome that meant the US economy. I eventually learned that the clear facts are all to be had at US Debt Clock. The figures are staggering. Here are some samples:

Personal debt per citizen: $53,326

Average savings per citizen: $1,104

I can't think of any commentary that wouldn't leap to mind of anyone who can read. But here are two more fascinating numbers.

Total US assets per citizen: $236,200

Total US debt per citizen: $353,000

It would seem that there's $1.50 in debt for every $1 of assets in the US. Rather breathtaking. Paralyzing, also.

The site rounds out its US-centric figures with some wonderful news from the rest of the world. The UK's external debt is well above 400% of GDP, for instance. And Japan's public debt has climbed above 200% of GDP.

Is it time to move to the developing world?

rand()m quote

Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.

—Siddhārtha Gautama (The Buddha)