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haircut day

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Tokyo, 2010.03.14

Today my sexy young wife got herself a fetching hairdo. Which meant that I had Kenny to myself for a few hours.

We spent about half that time on the line with Oma and Opa in Victoria, chatting via Skype. We don't get to talk too frequently, so I always try to bring them up to date all at once. And these days I seem to have a lot to say. So whenever they started looking overwhelmed I'd turn the camera back on the grandson and let his antics warm them up. I should bring Kenny with me to social engagements to give people a break from too much .. me.

After the chat Kenny and I went to Shibuya to pick up a piece of wood at a DIY shop. The wood is for a special wood-carving project I've dreamed up. I spent a couple of hours getting into the thing after we got home, it felt good to work with the knives.

rand()m quote

Build a little, test a little, learn a lot.

—Wayne E. Meyer