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advice from pros

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Tokyo, 2010.02.17

Our new website is getting a lot of great feedback. Today I had a chat with a pro in the business that really helped.

We've gotten where we are with the advice of many people with a lot more knowledge than we've got (admittedly, we have next to none). But wherever we've gone we've found people to be very supportive and to offer excellent advice that at times like today's that can in a moment clear up a big area where we simply didn't know where to start.

Launching a business in a country that's still new to you is mind-bendingly difficult at time, and I very much appreciate the support we've received.

rand()m quote

I think a more appropriate first exercise for a burgeoning programmer in training would be:

system.out.println ("Goodbye World");
