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looking for an engagement ring?

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Tokyo, 2010.02.14

If you're looking for an engagement ring in Japan, you can now do your shopping online. I am proud to say that Caritas is here.

Our missing is simple: we want to offer Japanese buyers great jewelry at great prices. We feel that we are offering something not currently available in Japan:

-great jewelry

-lasting value

-excellent information and service

In the course of the next few months we'll be refining the website and fine-tuning our service. As time goes on, we'll be tuning our product line-up as well, adding more and better products.

Today's launch is the result of the labors of my partner and me over the past year, with my own participation being full time over the course of seven months during that period. I first got the idea back in 2006 when Mari and I were shopping for a ring in this country and found the prices, selection, and even the levels of knowledge in the staff to be a bit .. odd. My partner and I started working on the idea for real in April–May of 2008. It's been a long time coming, but we set our completion date to the service we want to offer, not the service we can offer according to some arbitrary date.

I'm well pleased. I hope we'll start pleasing buyers as well.

rand()m quote

Live each season as it passes; breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit, and resign yourself to the influences of each.

—-Henry David Thoreau