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The Boy hit his mum

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Tokyo, 2009.12.17

At dinner tonight our darling little boy hit his mother in the face with a metal spoon.

It was bad enough to slightly break the skin, and hit right in one of those places that causes a tremendous amount of pain. This kicked off a cycle of tentative apologies followed by sudden further swings. The Boy wound up dumped in the (unlit, unheated) hallway by himself while we finished dinner.

I'm not sure where the violence is coming from, but perhaps it's just a matter of the "terrible twos". Mari and I both came up with the idea of writing something in the journal to ask what to do with him.

rand()m quote

I tell you, Satan's gonna have no trouble taking over here 'cause all the women are gonna say: 'What a cute butt.' 'He's Satan!' 'You don't know him like I do.' 'He's the Prince of Darkness!' 'I can change him.'

—Bill Hicks