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dropped my bike .. and son

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Tokyo, 2009.11.15

I'm still a bit weak from last week's illness, it seems. I managed to drop my bike with my son in the baby seat.

It happened while we were on our way to a park. The weather was nice, and Mari had learned about a beautiful park tucked away in Gotanda. We'd asked for directions at the koban, and the policeman there put us on the most direct route. Unfortunately that direct route involved a steep climb up a cobble path.

Mari was ahead of me and started to struggle. Weaving back and forth on the narrow lane, she wound up in front of me just as a woman coming the other way stepped out into the middle of the lane for some reason.

Already perilously slow, I hit stall speed and tried to dismount. With The Boy's weight at the back (bottom) of the bike, I couldn't keep the front wheel on the ground and the whole thing twisted around. We went down.

The Boy's seat protected him completely. He didn't even seem to make contact with the ground. Naturally he was quite upset at being dumped, and began to bawl. But who could blame him!

My hands were trembling a bit, afterward. This virus has really knocked something out of me.

rand()m quote

Understanding is a three edged sword: your side, their side, and the truth.

—J. Michael Straczynski