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third quake in five days

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Tokyo, 2009.08.13

We were eating breakfast this morning when there was yet another earthquake. It was by far the mildest, in fact I was the only one who noticed it until I called Mari's attention to it.

I wonder if these are progressively weaker aftershocks or random warnings of something to come. Certainly, there's been a bit of worry on the 'net in the Anglo-Japanese community. We're certainly overdue for another of the big quakes that were hitting the region with fair regularity in the past.

Coming as I do from one of the most geologically-stable countries in the world (see map below) I find the whole thing a bit exciting.

Wikipedia map of earthquakes in the world

The map above is on Wikipedia, I do not own it (or have the right to repost it, for that matter).

rand()m quote

Happiness is not a station you arrive at, but a manner of traveling.

—Margaret Lee Runbeck