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Wow, これいい!

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Tokyo, 2009.03.16

Today he said, "Wow, これ いい!" and "私は ice cream!" Which would seem to mean a) wow, that's great, b) me ice cream, and c) someone other than his mother and I have been teaching him words, because I don't eat ice cream or feed it to him or use the word in any way and his mother only speaks to him in Japanese.

Or maybe ... he's been listening to us speak among ourselves in English and noted that his mother admits she wants ice cream. This means that he's capable of picking up words that we don't say directly to him. Oh, ####, time for certain Canadians in the boy's life to bleach their blue vocabulary.

rand()m quote

If anyone tells you all is lost or all is fine, just nod and move on and live in the middle where everything matters.

—Dr. Elizabeth Sawin @bethsawin, Twitter