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new server

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Tokyo, 2009.02.17

Once again, this website has moved. I've now lost track of all of the Internet service providers I've been using since I had to give up my own Internet host. I think this is the fourth.

This move comes after my recent host decided to do nothing whatever about the recent compromising of their FTP server (the best guess as to how my website was hacked). I figure that an ISp that can't respond to a security incident doesn't deserve my business.

The first thing I've noticed, beyond the amazing wealth of software and tools available on my new server, is the improvement in speed for the website. It's fast enough that I'm thinking of bringing back some of the dynamic content that the site once featured.

This also marks the departure of my website from Canada. Sad to say, but for now it's running out of Sausalito, California. Where my family once stayed while on a road trip in 1986.

rand()m quote

Some people talk about living every day like it might be their last. Maybe that's good advice. Carpe diem and all that. But perhaps it's better to try to live every day like it might be everyone's last. If there are people in your life who are important to you, let them know...

—Mark Bedford (quote taken from posting to