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new favourite film

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Tokyo, 2009.07.22

I think I've found a new favourite colour print film! The image below comes straight from the scanner w/o any manipulation whatever. I love the colours, grain, and overall vibe of the stuff altogether.

The film is allegedly AgfaPhoto's "Vista" 400-speed film. I'm pretty sure that AGFA disappeared in a cloud of debt and lawsuits some years ago, but hey I'll use this undead film very happily.

It sure beats the other zombie I've been using, which is labeled "Centuria" but which in reality is lousy Kodak Gold (suitable IMHO only for shooting through a yellow or sepia filter purely for fun). The old Konica Centuria was my favourite colour film for years, and Kodak's Gold is the opposite of that lovely film in every respect.

As for the AgfaPhoto stuff (the "loudest film on Earth" according to the Japanese distributor), I figure that if you're going to shoot colour film you might as well shoot something fun to look at. This stuff is fun!

P.S. Technorati, my code is 95bywvce4k.

rand()m quote

In times like these it is difficult not to write satire
