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"ten", "nine", clip-clop, clip-clop

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Tokyo, 2009.07.21

Tonight The Boy pointed at a bottle of maple syrop (Mari and I are having pancakes for dinner while he eats fish and vegetables), and made a sound like horses' hooves beating. Clip-clop, clip-clop. He reproduced the stunt for us a few times.

He also repeated the repeat pronunciation trick with one of his toys. The thing requires that you press a button (a letter, number, of even some animal shapes) and it will either say the name of the letter/number, pronounce the sound that the letter makes, or say a word that starts with the letter. He listened to and repeated "ten" and "nine" a few times. Which is interesting because I've been focusing on "one" through "five" exclusively. I guess he picked it up from the toy!

rand()m quote

...and when you try to get some, it surely can be hard. There's always trouble waiting, when you leave your own back yard.

—Motorhead, Lost Johnny (lyrics by Mick Farren)