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bizarre coding error

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Tokyo, 2008.01.19

This morning I've found a funny coding error in my script that creates this journal. In an effort to strip out the Windows "newline" character, I'd written a regular expression to strip out the appropriate ^M character. But somehow (likely through a cut-and-paste) the ^M character had become two separate characters, the ^ and M. In regular expression syntax, this reads "a capital M at the beginning of the text". So one of my recent journal entries started with 'y friend' rather than 'My friend'.

It's good to be hacking around with my website again after such a long absence.

rand()m quote

[Time to study?] I chase three little ones around my place. I only have time to read medicine labels.

—Chris McNamara, private correspondance