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the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Tokyo, 2008.06.27

When I'm working, I get so wrapped up in what I'm doing that I'm generally oblivious to my surrounds and even my general health.

It used to be the case, when I was first learning to code software, that I'd suddenly realize that I desperately had to pee. I mean, it was bad enough that I could barely stand, and would have to drag a lag as I hobbled along.

Now, to my dismay, I've found it's the same thing with my current work. And my current work is nowhere near as fascinating as writing software: today the same thing happened when I'd spent an hour screwing around with an excel sheet!

rand()m quote

A university is a collection of mutually repellent individuals held together only by a common interest in parking

—-George F. Will