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Tokyo big sights

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Tokyo, 2007.08.01

There's a place in Tokyo called "Tokyo Big Sight". It's some sort of event venue. It goes along with "Tokyo Random Walk", a bookstore, in the general sensibility of the way things are named.

Anyhoo, the big sights this morning on the way to work included a garbage truck getting by on the sidewalk, a man lifting a boxed fridge off of a truck by twining his arms into the yellow nylon strap things that hold the box together, and small thunderstorms that seemed to target 50m x 50m patches of the city.

rand()m quote

If anyone tells you all is lost or all is fine, just nod and move on and live in the middle where everything matters.

—Dr. Elizabeth Sawin @bethsawin, Twitter