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bike accident

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Tokyo, 2007.11.15

It finally happened. I got into an accident in tsukiji.

I was enjoying another fine cycle in the good weather we've finally been having. Some dolt darts in front of me, but well in front of me. I saw that he was parking, and went to the right to get around him. Without pause, or a glance over his shoulder, he threw his station wagon into reverse and plowed straight into me. It knocked my bike down, and me off my bike.

As with the episode in 2006, it was another case where I wound up on my feet as I came off the bike. But this time I wrenched my knee doing so. I thought I had "walked it off", but you know how it can be with knees. When I got to the office it was hurting a fair bit and I had images of myself being immobilized in a few days time if I didn't take care of it. So I got back on my bike (ouch!) and went home. Painkillers and one of those heat/cold gel things turned things around. I seem to be doing okay.

rand()m quote

Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after.

—Henry David Thoreau