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the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Tokyo, 2005.08.04

So, another long day at an end. It's been as I predicted - lotsa learning and hours at the office. I had a break last night when I met with the boss man from the EDS side (Inou-san) and the bosses from the client (Kawai-san and Okimoto-san). We went for Spanish food (mmmm, sangria, paella, and arroz con todos) and (naturally) drank throughout. Fine food, fine company (and as someone pointed out, "fine view", when a table of ten or so women turned up next to our spot). Naturally, after drinking sangria and both red and white wine my head was not terribly clear when I came to 'round 5:00 this morning, but that's why I smuggled in Advil.

Today after work, I went to look at cameras because I'm thinking of picking up a little digicam to better take shots of the city while on the go (lugging around a camera bag in a jam-packed city isn't much fun). Apparently digicams have come a fair way since I last looked into the things. And the prices over here seem surprisingly low. I think this time I might finally do it. We'll see.

Jon has made plans for us to visit an onsen (hot springs) in a couple of weeks. It might sound like a bizarre thing to do in August, but I'll be scooting before the weather gets cooler.

rand()m quote

Software Industry, the: unique industry where selling substandard goods is legal and you can charge extra for fixing the problems.

—-Duncan Simpson