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long day

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Tokyo, 2005.08.01

With Jonathan's departure on Friday, today was the first day during which Shan and I were solely responsible for the upkeep of the systems at the client site. Needless to say, things went awry at 17:00 this afternoon when a promotion didn't go right. By 21:00 we had the system stable again, but not really functional.

Looks like it's going to be a "learning curve" sort of week....

Some readers of this journal may find it of note that the Japanese consider room temperature to be about 25C. I don't just say this from personal observation - I've had this confirmed. When I told my coworkers that we in Canada consider 21C room temperature, they all squawked.

rand()m quote

A university is a collection of mutually repellent individuals held together only by a common interest in parking

—-George F. Will