Today I decided to splurge, a bit. I'm generally insanely careful with my money, but with my tax return in and my line of credit's balance looking quite good, I decided to replace my watch. The one at the right is what I've decided on.
My old watch was a gift from my parents upon my graduation from High School, in June of 1989. Yes, my previous watch had lasted quite nearly sixteen months of constant use (except for my first ten month stint in Australia). What's more, the thing was a simple - and inexpensive - Lorus, nothing from which you might expect such incredible service.
I decided to replace it because the date function had stopped working (it now changes the date about 2-3 times a day) and the crown had become worrying loose. In fact, the entire mechanism was sliding around inside the case. I partly blame the fact that the watch was actually stepped on about a year ago, and that the subsequent replacement of the crystal (the cover of the face) didn't go well (see previous entries in this journal).
That's what it takes to prise something of sentimental value from me. And what it takes to get me to spend money, for that matter.
Respect your efforts, respect yourself. Self-respect leads to self-discipline. When you have both firmly under your belt, that's real power.
—Clint Eastwood