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novel work

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Tokyo, 2005.08.01

I completed the second part of the fourth draft of my novel, today. In fact, the last two parts are much smaller than the first, so I'm perhaps 60% of the way through the actual page count (okay, I'm at page 267 of 421). There are more edits towards the rear of the story then there were at the beginning, though, so it might be a bit of an uphill battle from this point.

Also, while holed up in some out-of-the-way basement "pan-Asian" place on Saturday, I began an analysis of what I figure is wrong with the story at this point, and what I can do to fix it. I've decided to put in a lot of the tangental stuff that I'd at first considered too much. And by tangental, I mean things like the small third-party chapters that make the story a bit more linear, and supporting details like reference material that help fill in the setting and liven up the story's main narrative.

Oh, and I've noticed an oversight I've been making since the beginning. I'm very pleased with what I've dreamed up as an added dimension to the story. I just hope that I can get it all together in a reasonable amount of time (already been at this for more than five years) and space (I did a work count for the first time in ages, and have learned that I've bloated back up to 137 000 words - almost a novel and a half already!).

rand()m quote

The skill of accurate perception is called cynicism by those who don't possess it.

—-Alan Millar