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segway spotting

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Halifax, 2004.06.20

Today, while on a walk in the city, I saw my first "Segway". A woman from the Halifax tourism board had it down at the waterfront. My questions, and those of some others who stopped, pertained to the Segway rather than Halifax touristy stuff, as one of the others pointed out.

When she demonstrated its astounding ease of use, I mused aloud (which those who know me know I never do, yaright) how George W had managed to fall off his. She had the answer. Apparently he'd boarded it (is that the word?) while it was off. It's gyros hadn't fired and kerthunk.

rand()m quote

Those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable.

—John F. Kennedy