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halifax is a rainy city

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Halifax, 2004.05.29

Another fine day. It occurred to me, when the Sun poked out for about 45 second this afternoon, that it has been a solid 8 days in a row of cloud and rain.

Now it's been sunny for about an hour, and I'm getting out to enjoy some before it's gone for another week.

I was out looking for a dry cleaner's, because it seems that after three years of much use, my coat is no longer.. fresh smelling. It took me two hours to make a round trip, in the end, because I remembered that I wanted some more of the gunk I use in my hair. And finding something unusual takes quite a bit of doing in this town. But now it's done.

When I got back to my building, a girl in the lobby was telling a friend about her bank account had been cleaned out by someone who'd somehow learned her PIN. Her friend consoled her by saying that it had all been on the evening news. Apparently there are Scotiabank bank machines which someone has doctored to harvest account information.

rand()m quote

It is the ancient wisdom of birds that battles are best fought with song.

—Richard Nelson