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more fallout from my move

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Halifax, 2004.05.03

After a fine weekend of many fun episodes, I awoke this morning to discover that my monitor had packed it in.

The lousy movers had dropped it during that unfortunate move from Toronto, of course, and now it was dead.

So we rented a car in the pouring rain and took it to a place called Apro in the Burnside Industrial Park that promised to have it fixed up for $100 by Wednesday. If it could be fixed, that is.

Along the way to the car rental place we had to run some other errands, so we stopped in at the Office Depot and had a look at their monitors. Amazingly, TFT monitors are already pushing CRT's out of the market, and the prices of the latter are plummeting. My monitor cost me $600+tax back on the last day of 1997. Today, for a third of that, I could get one the same size with a .2 dot pitch and a flat screen.

Just to round out the fun, I dragged Charlie out to Costco and Future Shop to compare prices. Future Shop (which I loath anyway, and where I wouldn't have wanted to actually make a purchase) had poor prices and only two models. Costco had no CRT's save for a Daytek, and having made that particular mistake before I ignored it.

At the Future Shop, Charlie bought a 26" TV after doing some diliberation. The store clerk, when I asked, steered him away from some of the surprisingly cheap and nasty Chinese knock-offs of the (better?) Korean, Chinese, and Vietnamese brand name stuff. He seemed pleased.

The day ended with me buying a wire brush to have a go at the astroturf that's lingering on my balcony.

Not much of a Tracey-and-me day, but with the weather, Tracey's exhaustion (heh heh) and my need to have the monitor repaired before I go on support next week, it wasn't going to happen.

rand()m quote

...and when you try to get some, it surely can be hard. There's always trouble waiting, when you leave your own back yard.

—Motorhead, Lost Johnny (lyrics by Mick Farren)