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four Novembers without work

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 2003.11.04

It occurred to me today, as I waited in line at the federal government's Human Resources department's office, that this is my fourth November in a row that I've faced without a job. While in 2000 it was voluntary (as I was traveling in Australia), the last three have been due to the (literally) perennially slow IT market. Four in a row!

Note, 2020.02.01 Don't worry young Michael, you have a good run coming. In a year you'll be working. In Halifax! Then you'll have employment in Japan for three Novembers, then self-employment for one, then you'll work in Toronto for nine Novembers. And then OK one more unemployed but that's a ways off.

rand()m quote

I have found that evil usually triumphs, unless good is very, very careful.

—"Bones" McCoy