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seing lost in translation

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 2003.09.24

My gal and I met with Geoff and Mariko to see the movie 'Lost in Translation'. It was really very good. Who would have guessed that Bill Murray could pull off such a delicate acting job so brilliantly?

Geoff and Mariko had an assortment of Asian and Asian-resident friends there, and those with some Japanese experience related what they'd seen. Apparently, the sentiment expressed in the movie is quite faithful to the real experience.

In the cinema, a crowd of a dozen people or so arrived just before the lights went out. Much to my amazement, I saw Nelson Costa among them. I called to him, and he and Geoff had a bit of a reunion. After the (excellent) flick, we went for some $7 drinks (rrrr - Yorkville) and caught up. Nelson was as lively and interesting as ever.

rand()m quote

You can sometimes fool the fans, but you can never fool the players.

—Jack Stack