journal features
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photo of the day

no business card, no business

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 2002.11.30

I went with my mum to the One of a Kind show today. For five hours (excluding an hour in either direction for transit). What a place! My favorite photographer present was from the Lindsay area, but unfortunately he has no website on his business card for me to share with you. Ditto my favorite artist, who framed bits of birch bark that she'd pick up in the woods. The thing that made her work so appealing was her knack for framing a piece, and the frequent inclusion of bits of bark that had been twisted or overgrown with fungus or discolored by water.

The show really is too immense, now. There were rows A through X and the sides were packed, too.

rand()m quote

There are two kinds of people in this world: Those that enter a room and turn the television set on, and those that enter a room and turn the television set off.

—-"Raymond Shaw", The Manchurian Candidate