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a last minute job lead

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Vancouver, 2002.08.09

I had a job interview, today. In Vancouver. My first one of those (not a phone interview, not set in some other city, not with an agency, etc) that I've had this year. Possibly the first in nine months! How typical that it should come after I've given up my apartment. I spoke with my landlord, though, and he said to keep him posted...

On my way to that interview, I passed a construction site where some guys were watching one of their fellows work. He had a sledge hammer and some full-size rebar that had been bent into a right angle in the middle. He lifted the sledge, and dropped it head-down onto one of the pieces of rebar, which he'd set up so that it leaned on the steps where his colleagues sat. The rebar snapped exactly where he'd hit it. I was surprised that it would break so easily!

rand()m quote

Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society.

—Mark Twain