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the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Calgary, 2002.05.28

Today I went to a retail computer outfit here in town called CompuSmart. I've dealt with them in the past (when I bought a PC for my now ex, about three years ago), and things went well enough at that time that when I decided to look into laptops for an upcoming contract gig (that I'm hoping to land) I checked out their site. Now the web site lists quite a number of models as 'in stock', and I made a trip just to go check them out. But it turns out that 'in stock' means 'in a warehouse somewhere in the country, and it will take several days to even deliver a model'. They had nothing in their line of 'corporate' models available at all; just cutesy crap from HP with translucent keyboards.

rand()m quote

Ambition is the enemy of man. It stunts his ability to simplify the day. It is in simplicity we find peace.

—Allan Watts