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lilac festival

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Calgary, 2002.05.26

I headed out to see some more of the city today. It turns out there was a 'Lilac festival' in full swing in progress on 4th street. I milled about will the crowd for a while until I came across some dancers setting up for a demonstration of some classes they'd taken in the city. I set my camera on a long exposure (1/15th and 1/8th of a second), the aperture down at 1/22, and dropped the exposure two notches (not sure if that helps with the exposure and aparture already set, but I assume it does because there's a film speed setting on the camera that essentially does the same thing), and took a few snaps to try to capture the motion of the dancers. It worked! Now if only I had my film scanner, I could show you.

rand()m quote

In an unequal society, those who land on top want to believe their success is morally justified.

—Michael Sandel