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a interesting day

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Vancouver, 2002.08.18

This was a good weekend. After seeing Mr Yoon off, we went for a long lazy march through Stanley Park, where we were eventually met by Ken. We then headed off to North Vancouver, where I discovered a new (to me) beach while the rest of the gang bought second-hand books (I decided it would be foolhardy to even step inside given I'll be packing next week). While on the beach:

Anyway, we went back to the west end and dropped Heidi off. I quickly changed pants at my place, and we took in a baseball game. The Vancouver Canadians dropped a close game with an uneven score of 7-1 to the visitors from Boise. It was fun. Not "I'm hooked" fun, but fun. Certainly better than non-big-leagues hockey (shudder, OHL). One amusing thing that happened; the MC or whatever you call the guy who plays the sound effects liked to put on an edgy show. At one point just when everyone was finding their seats, Amanda Plummer's voice rang out yelling the Pulp Fiction line, "Any of you f*cking pigs moves, and I'll execute every [mofo] last one of you!" We assumed it was an accident.

P.S. Even pro leagues with teams in Boise and Vancouver seem to get quite a number of groupies, so if you're a young fella who's good at baseball and have no plans, you might consider spending a few years hitting base runs for bleached blondes. I suspect you could do worse.

rand()m quote

Theory without practice is pointless, practice without theory is mindless.

—(often attributed to Vladimir Lenin)