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Great Sand Hills

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Calgary, 2002.05.05

We spent the day toodling about in the Great Sand Hills again, then got back for about 5 PM. The last 200 kilometres or so were under varying amounts of snow and sleet; this is May!

Oh, and I got the post office people to cough up the registered letter to my brother (armed, as he was, with an old copy of my passport and a letter from me, and supporting calls from the Canada Post call centre in Winterpeg. And it turns out it was from my landlords; they wanted to tell me that there was going to be a $5 increase in my rent in August. Big deal!

rand()m quote

Nobody belongs anywhere, nobody exists on purpose, everybody's going to die.

—"Morty", of Rick and Morty