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today's news in the US

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Vancouver, 2001.09.11

What a day. Someone's destroyed the World Trade Center and burned down part of the Pentagon. I'd planned to go get my latest roll of IR film developed and maybe see about getting my bike fixed, so I went and did those things even after spending all morning staring at the TV in shock. The bike repair shop is kind of a commune; staffed with lefty types and run in an open fashion where customers can come in and work on their own bikes. I spent almost two hours there, cos I was chatting with the staff about the bombings. They were offering everyone who came in the door free drinks, which was amusing and fun.

It wasn't until later that I realized what this really is, to us. This 'bombing' changes the world. Tomorrow dawns a police state.

I was wondering what kind of change like this - or at least, what kind of profound news story had marked my parent's life at a similar junction in their lives. I realized that this episode comes at almost the same time in my life as the lunar landing came in my father's. He was only ten weeks younger then than I am now. The lunar landing has been a symbol of all of the technologic and societal changes that have happened in the last thirty years. What do today's events say about the next thirty??

rand()m quote

I asked my doctor to give me something to stop me from aging, and he gave me a gun.

—Rodney Dangerfield