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movie review - The Wog Boy

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Sydney, 2000.05.16

This is an extremely Australian movie about a 'dole blodger' (that's "welfare bum" to Canadians) of Greek extraction (hence 'WOG': backronym'd to Western Oriental Gentleman) who makes trouble for the government by first crashing into the car transporting the minister responsible for employment, then suing her for damages, and striking back on TV when publicly humiliated.

It's also a love story between the hero (the Wog), and the aide to the minister (a supposedly WASP Aussie). Also, the Wog's pal and the WASP's sister fall in love, so there's fun for everybody.

A lot of the cultural stuff kinda went over my head, but I can only imagine how Canadian movies like The Adjuster or the Michelle Apartments or Black Robe might seem to an Oz.


rand()m quote

When destiny comes to a man from outside, it lays him low, just as an arrow lays a deer low. When destiny comes to a man from within, from his innermost being, it makes him strong, it makes him into a god…

—Hermann Hesse