journal features
movie reviews
photo of the day

working man and bubble gum

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 1999.09.28

Walking to work because of a transit strike, I saw a lean older guy with green zippered nylon work jacket, greenish pants, work boots. He looked tough as nails.

But he was blowing bubbles with his gum.

I thought, "I'm going to keep a journal of the things I see and do." Until now, I've mostly been writing movie reviews, but now the purpose of my blog will change.

It was a long walk because a TTC strike was in progress. By the time I'd gotten to work I'd decided to rewrite my content management system.

[Edit, 2021.08.07: So far, so good. It's now been nearly half a lifetime!]

rand()m quote

I really didn't foresee the Internet. But then, neither did the computer industry. Not that that tells us very much of course - the computer industry didn't even foresee that the century was going to end.

—Douglas Adams