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the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Fukuoka, 2025.01.23

I've been playing this games called Civilization for more than thirty years. One minor feature is that you can alter the landscape of one of the game-board squares by planting trees or building irrigation. Today I discovered a way of converting one terrain I've never liked into one that I much prefer, though that is not directly part of the game. If you start with a "grassland" square, which is only good for producing food and not for producing minerals, wood, or anything else, you can plant a forest, which is great for production (and might have bonuses like deer). If you then cut down the new forest and a grassland square will not re-appear. It becomes a "plains" square, which has more mineral/wood production than a grassland.

grassland tile


rand()m quote

Whatever doesn't kill us makes us stranger.

—-Paula O'Keefe