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according to an AI

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Kokubunji, 2024.12.19

A friend shared a story about a new AI that is specifically trying to improve search results while cleaning up the hallucinations and other things that have made AI tools such a mess. It's called Perplexity which I suppose is fitting of the times.

Here's what it had to say about me.

profile of Michael Werneburg according to an AI

Now, I asked it how many Michael Werneburg there in the world and it said there was just me. But when I asked it for the profile above it supplied at least one photo of a fellow with the same name who is an auto dealer in a town near where my grandfather was born. So, it's still lying.

To keep myself humble I had the same AI check in on an old friend, whose life sounds a lot more interesting I have to say.

the profile of Jonathan "Satan McNugget" Culp according to an AI

rand()m quote

Meetings are indispensable when you don't want to do anything.

—John Kenneth Galbraith