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the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Kokubunji, 2024.12.14

Today I sold three of my old Pentax and Minolta manual focus lenses, plus a 30mm macro lens that I'd recently picked up in a trade-in. I hadn't liked the results from the macro lens, and as much as I love the old lenses I find that micro-four-third cameras struggle to get clear images in the viewfinder when using them. Yet again, I was surprised to get more for those old lenses than I expected.

Having recently given The Girl my E-M5 camera, I'm now using the E-M10 that I bought for her in 2020. It's just back from the shop after my ten-year-old 17mm f/1.8 died. The camera has a clean bill of health, so I'll use today's new lens, a manual-focus replacement for the dead one with her camera as my walk-around gear from now on. I've got a cheap 35mm f/1.7 coming for X'mas as a complement to this one.

my walk-around camera/lens combo

It feels good to clean house with the hobby stuff. I've now offloaded my "heavy" jigging gear and the heavy lenses. Moving on...

rand()m quote

A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves.

—Lao Tsu