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traded away a lens, today

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Kokubunji, 2024.10.30

It rained all day Monday and Tuesday, then this morning as well. But it finally cleared up around noon, and I decided that once the roads had dried up a bit I would cycle to Shinjuku to trade away a lens I bought last November 1 to shoot Ken's games.

It's the Sigma 56mm for micro-four-thirds, and mated to a capable camera like my Olympus EM-5.3, it works quite well. The problem has been that we found the video we'd been recording with Emma's Olympus E-M10.2 to be too blurry, so we started shooting the video on my camera and I started using hers with that lens for the still photos. The problem is that that combo just doesn't work well. Specifically, the auto-focus is a mess.

So, without a need for that lens I traded it in for a 30mm macro lens. What's crazy is that the fine people at Map Camera actually paid me more for the lens than I paid for it only a year ago. I'm not complaining. I suppose it's a form of inflation.

on my ride to Shinjuku

Three good things that happened today:

  1. Unexpected windfall on the sale of the lens
  2. Got in a 50km ride
  3. Finally free of the rain (and two days of major headaches)

rand()m quote

Happiness is not a station you arrive at, but a manner of traveling.

—Margaret Lee Runbeck