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mmmm Saga

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Karatsu, Saga, 2024.10.05

Today I attended a barbecue with colleagues from several offices. The food was, as someone put it, 'very high quality'.

mmmm barbecue
After that I headed to the small city of Karatsu, in Saga prefecture. It was my first time visiting the prefecture (#25!) and I'm glad I made it a visit to a castle town. Walking to the river from the station, and then back, I managed to visit just during Golden Hour. In all, I had only about half as much time in the town as I did traveling, but it was fun.

the castle from a distance
looking away from the castle as the sun sets
the outer harbor
the bridge to the castle

rand()m quote

True friends stab you in the front

—-Winston Churchill