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the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Fukuoka, 2024.09.23

Today I had quite a walk across the city, probably another 10km jaunt including the walk to Hakata station in the morning. It was quite pleasant, although I found myself at one point in what I can only describe as the Mississauga of Fukuoka (shudder). I visited the old castle ruins, a very nice park built around a large pond, and also visited the Fukuoka Tower. Along the way I made time for an early dinner and had the superb luck of finding a Nepalese place called "スリランカにしじん" in Nishijin. I cannot stress this enough: the carrot had coconut in it! So, so good. The whole thing was damn good, I could see all the containers of spices in the kitchen and hear them banging away to prepare each dish.

rand()m quote

I have always wanted to be somebody. I guess I should have been more specific.

—Lily Tomlin