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movie review - Uncharted

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Kokubunji, 2024.06.29

For movie night, The Girl and I watched this harmless action flick. It's about a young man whose brother has disappeared while searching for a lost treasure. He is approached by someone who was working with his brother when he fell off the face of the planet. Can our young hero trust the older, not-as-smart-as-he-thinks former partner of his brother? Will he find any closure for his brother?

Long story short, we learn in a mid-credits scene that the brother is alive. Yes. This thing is a clumsy, thoughtless effort that ruins its promising plot elements and coasts on the star power of the actors that lead it. That those two gentlemen don't really seem to have a lot of chemistry doesn't help.

Not recommended.

rand()m quote

Ambition is the enemy of man. It stunts his ability to simplify the day. It is in simplicity we find peace.

—Allan Watts