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today we took our baby goldfish to market

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Kokubunji, 2024.06.22

It was time, once again, to take some baby goldfish to market. I'd say there were between forty and fifty this time, and they were among the largest we'd taken to the store. He gave us ¥50 for twenty-four of the fish, but deemed the rest too small to buy. Both of these came as a surprise, but we have to take what we can, this is a family activity, not a business, and if we don't have somewhere to take the fish then we're stuck with them. Anyway, we came away with ¥1,200 and managed to get out without spending anything. At this point I believe we've delivered somewhere around 225 of the things.

rand()m quote

life's too short to use shitty pens

—Ken Werneburg, slack chat 2021