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traded away a lens, today

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Kokubunji, 2024.10.30

It rained all day Monday and Tuesday, then this morning as well. But it finally cleared up around noon, and I decided that once the roads had dried up a bit I would cycle to Shinjuku to trade away a lens I bought last November 1 to shoot Ken's games.

It's the Sigma 56mm for micro-four-thirds, and mated to a capable camera like my Olympus EM-5.3, it works quite well. The problem has been that we found the video we'd been recording with Emma's Olympus E-M10.2 to be too blurry, so we started shooting the video on my camera and I started using hers with that lens for the still photos. The problem is that that combo just doesn't work well. Specifically, the auto-focus is a mess.

So, without a need for that lens I traded it in for a 30mm macro lens. What's crazy is that the fine people at Map Camera actually paid me more for the lens than I paid for it only a year ago. I'm not complaining. I suppose it's a form of inflation.

on my ride to Shinjuku

Three good things that happened today:

  1. Unexpected windfall on the sale of the lens
  2. Got in a 50km ride
  3. Finally free of the rain (and two days of major headaches)

rand()m quote

...a man is always prey to his truths. Once he has admitted them, he cannot free himself from them.

—Albert Camus