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outdoorsy, even

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Campbell River, 2023.07.12

This morning I took Oma/Opa's PC in for repair and got it booting again. I have no idea what they did because it wouldn't always POST and it certainly wouldn't boot from the lone internal drive. It turns out the external drive was completely destroyed, I don't know if it was a bad controller or what but it's no more. I hope there was no precious data there-on. I'll find out tomorrow.

Then I went fishing on the Qualicum river, both up by the hatchery (which I toured) and then also below "the bridge" all the way to a campground. I believe there are no fish below "Eric's Riffle" and if you know what I mean then "howdy neighbor"!

In the afternoon I went to pick up the PC and then parked the car and did a ~10km walk/hike up the length of Elk Falls provincial park, climbing about 150m and then down again. It was busy, with a surprising number of fit young people in Lycra passing me at quite a clip. Campbell River is funny; it feels like Calgary but populated with BC'ers. Anyway, the falls were worth the hike and went as far as the entire loop of the river-side trail above the falls. I found the way blocked by a freshly collapsed tree trunk but clambered over that and completed the circuit.

I got in around 20:00 and helped myself to some sweet "Alberta Premium".

rand()m quote

People learn how to treat you by observing how you treat yourself and others. Be sure to provide positive demonstrations.
