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they call them chemtrails

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Kokubunji, 2022.07.17

Condensation trails, or "contrails" are one of the first things I can remember learning as a child of a glider pilot. It was in the mid-seventies which now seems like the time of the dinosaurs. This one had been made to look like a dragon soaring across the sky.

Well, with a bit of imagination. Speaking of, the conspiracy theorists have taken to calling these "chemtrails" and now believe that the COVID vaccine is being delivered this way.

rand()m quote

Some people talk about living every day like it might be their last. Maybe that's good advice. Carpe diem and all that. But perhaps it's better to try to live every day like it might be everyone's last. If there are people in your life who are important to you, let them know...

—Mark Bedford (quote taken from posting to