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movie review - The Suicide Squad

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Kokubunji, 2022.02.24

This is a comic book movie based on real comic books that I have actually read*. Because reasons, a group of villains and supervillains is brought together and told to go do heroics. If they don't, an explosive collar will tear off their heads. Needless to say, this is a terrible idea and the whole thing goes about as bad as (in)humanly possible once they are deployed to a fictional latin-American country to do .. something. There's a star-studded cast to this group, and it's amusing to see Michael Rooker die in his usual allotment (the three minute mark) but also Nathan Fillion, which was surprising.

Played for just the right type of laughs, this thing brings together a blend of insane fighting and insane infighting to arrive at a sci-fi ending worthy of both media. I really enjoyed it. I'd no sooner watched this than I watched it again with the kids.

Strongly recommended.

*(Well not all of them, no one has time for that.)

rand()m quote

My job has convinced me that life is a stale joke with no punch line.

—Scott Adams, Dilbert