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TV replaced

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Kokubunji, 2021.12.04

Our TV comes from Hi-Sense, a Chinese manufacturer that's been around for a number of years. We found that our unit was having trouble with the sound bar we've had for a few years. We suspect that the TV is becoming over-heated due to lack of fan-driven ventilation. Today Hi-Sense replaced our unit with a new one free of charge. In fact, they gave us the current version of the same model. This comes with a new graphics engine and a much-improved sound subsystem that will have impact on our sound bar (e.g. software). Today's visit was the second time they came to see the TV, the first time they replaced one of the circuit boards but the problem of drop-outs continued.

We're well-pleased with this manufacturer.

I was ---> <--- this close to cutting a square hole in the back of the old TV and mounting a USB-powered PC system case fan.

🤔.oO(Maybe the problem will persist?)

rand()m quote

The secret to being boring is to tell everything.
