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queried my first agent

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Kokubunji, 2021.10.15

I got my first query letter out the door with a synopsis and the first three chapters. I realize that the first version of everything I send in this regard will likely be the least polished and/or worst but I’ve decided to start with one of the most experienced/high profile agencies I could find that had someone who wanted sci-fi. I expect many, many rejections - another would-be author on twitter mentioned that he’d racked up 80 rejections. And even if someone accepts it, I’ll then have a 2-3 year road to it seeing the light of day.

But it's a first step on the road.

rand()m quote

There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.

—Colin Powell